Match The Café Experience at Home

Match The Café Experience at Home

Match The Café Experience at Home
With These Espresso Recipes!

Our new Fair Trade Organic aluminum espresso capsules are here, and we know you will love them! The espresso capsules come in four varieties –

  • Intenso: dark roast - strong, roasty, and spicy with an intensity of 10.
  • Dolcetto: medium roast - bright, sweet, and malty with an intensity of 6.
  • Raffinato: dark roast - caramel, stone-fruit, and raisin with an intensity of 8.
  • Decaffeinato: medium roast - clean, sweet and caramelly with an intensity of 7.

Each of these blends is delicious on its own but also tastes great with milk. We even have three recipes inside each box that have been carefully selected for  each blend by our professional roast masters. We encourage you to try all the recipes and even create your own using these delicious new espressos! Below are a few of the recipes we recommend. Be sure to tag us in your coffee pictures on social media when you start making and posting these amazing drinks!




  • 1 serving of espresso or strong coffee
  • 6 ounces of milk
  • Sugar to taste


  1. Brew a really strong cup of coffee or espresso.
  2. Pour 6 ounces cold milk in milk frother and froth until rich and velvety. Or, heat the milk on the stove or in the microwave until steaming, and beat it with a whisk. You want to get tiny bubbles
  3. Slowly add the hot milk to your coffee and lay the frothed floating on top.
  4. Traditionally, it will be equal parts coffee, milk and froth.




  • 1-2 servings of hot espresso, based on preference of strength
  • 2 Tbs of Whipped Cream, sweetened or unsweetened, depending on taste


  1. A traditional Con Panna is served in a demitasse cup but any small glass or cup will do.
  2. Float whipped cream on top of a freshly brewed espresso and enjoy! 




  • 1-2 servings of hot espresso, based on preference of strength
  • Hot water


  1. In a cup filled 2/3 of the way with hot water, steadily pour in a single or double espresso.
  2. By pouring the espresso on top of the hot water, the heat from the water will not scorch the freshly brewed espresso - letting it retain the crema for a foamier, creamier feeling drink. 




  • 1 shot freshly brewed espresso
  • 6 ounces of milk
  • 1 ounce cocoa powder or 1 capsule Barrie House Hot Cocoa
  • Sugar to taste


  1. Brew a really strong cup of coffee or espresso.
  2. Pour 6 ounces cold milk in milk frother and froth until rich and velvety. Or, heat the milk on the stove or in the microwave until steaming, and beat it with a whisk. You want to get tiny bubbles
  3. Use a spoon to retain the microbubbles on top of the steamed milk and pour the bottom 2/3 of the steamed milk into the cup.
  4. Top the latte with the remaining bubbles by gently pouring or spooning them on top of the steamed milk.
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